Saturday, January 9, 2010

Saturday Morning...

So when I first started writing this blog I thought I would give myself weekends off. However, when you have had the morning I have had thus far I think you would agree that I could make an exception.

This morning I was awoken at 5am by the sound of my oldest son rummaging around in his room. This sound was followed by my daughter asking if it was time to play and my youngest son (from across the hall) beginning to cry. His cries quickly turned to shrieks as he was clearly not ready to be up. My older two made the descent down the stairs and immediately climbed into bed with my husband and me. Needless to say we were squished and not about to be getting any more quality sleep. My youngest son continued to howl from upstairs. Then the charade began. Each child was settling into "their" spot, tossing, turning, can picture it. Then the SHHHs began. As the morning light began to creep into the window I thought, I am screwed. It has been a very long week and I was hoping that my husband and I could alt least get a full night's sleep. Guess not.

As morning continued to dawn the restlessness continued. Finally, my son having had an idea, "climbed" (and I use that term VERY loosely) over me, kneed his sister in the head and hopped over the edge of the bed. "Bye" he said as he wandered out of our bedroom. Within a minute he was back. While he walked quietly back into the room, I smelled something. He "climbed" back into the bed and the smell got stronger. By now it was quiet upstairs
so my senses were not as distracted. (I think my youngest son had dropped off back to sleep due to the exhaustion from screaming so loudly.) Yes, there was clearly a smell now in the bedroom...something I wasn't used to smelling first thing in the morning.

Once my oldest son was settled back in his spot I opened my eyes to see him snuggled into the middle of the bed, completely covered with the quilt, plenty of pillow room and cozy as could be. It was then that I noticed the satisfied little smile he had on his face...a smile covered in CHOCOLATE! That little rat had gone into the kitchen, opened the tin of cookies we made yesterday and helped himself! Now with chocolate cookies all over his mouth he closed his eyes and breathed a sigh. Well, I thought, at least we are now not in a rush for breakfast! With that I rolled over, closed my eyes and waited for the howling to start up again from upstairs...

Be Glad!

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