Friday, January 15, 2010

Time Marches on

Some of you may be wondering why I have not written this week. I can sum it up very quickly...I am old. I think I have been fighting this notion for some time now but the verdict is in...33 is the new 80. This week, after three weeks of crawling on the floor to pick up my kid's rooms kind of pain, I went to see a doctor about my chronic back issues. While he was very nice about the whole issue he told me that I have a weak SI joint at the bottom of my spine and that it would be something I would need to deal with on and off for the rest of my life. He gave me a prescription for steroids, suggested that I get some BenGay at the pharmacy and make sure to have plenty of moist heat wraps at home for when it goes out again. Great.
So off to the pharmacy I go to get my drugs, moist wraps and Ben Gay...there is no spring in my step. In fact, I am now wondering if I look like the hunchback I feel that I am as I walk through the parking lot. As I head into the pharmacy and hand over my prescription the woman looks at me over her glasses and says, "This is for you?" "Yes", I replied, "and I will be waiting for it". With that I turned and walked, or rather hobbled, confidently down the aisle to get my BenGay and moist heat wraps. This sucks.
As luck would have it I found the BenGay, heat wraps AND right next to them was a whole section on shoe inserts. Each package claimed they would relieve back aches and tired feet. Well crap, I might as well throw those puppies into the basket as well. So I returned to the pick-up window, grabbed my "roids" and paid for my other purchases. As I made my way out to the car I thought to myself (as I am only weeks away from turning 34) Is This The Beginning? We all have to have something. Is this my something? BenGay, shoe supports, anti-inflammatories and hobbling. As I slid into the driver's seat I took a quick look in the rear view mirror. Well I guess it could be worse. I could have had to by hair dye to cover greys. Maybe 34 wouldn't be so bad.

Be Glad!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

A Child's Imagination

How much do I love the imaginations of children? It constantly amazes me how my kids can put on a hat, change their voice or carry a bag and suddenly they take on a whole new persona. So far we have become a Wiggle, a Disney princess, a grandparent, various animals...the list goes on.

Needless to say I was a little curious when my daughter sat down at our desk and said that she was going to write a letter. She made a big show of choosing just the right piece of stationary and just the right envelope. After writing a bunch of "fancy" letters and numbers on the paper she folded it up and stuffed it in the envelope. After licking the envelope about 15 times she was satisfied and sealed her work. Immediately she was climbing down from her chair and asking to put it in the mailbox. As I put lunch on the table she gave me the face...the how could I possibly eat my lunch before putting this very important letter in the mailbox. Crap. "Okay", I said, "Let's put it in." Her face immediately changed and she smiled as we walked to the front door. Once placed in the mailbox she headed off to her seat as I went back into the kitchen. As we parted ways I asked very casually who the letter was for? Her reply was JESUS! Not Ariel, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White or even Nana. It was Jesus! Okay, so I guess we should be adding more postage huh?

Be Glad!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Saturday Morning...

So when I first started writing this blog I thought I would give myself weekends off. However, when you have had the morning I have had thus far I think you would agree that I could make an exception.

This morning I was awoken at 5am by the sound of my oldest son rummaging around in his room. This sound was followed by my daughter asking if it was time to play and my youngest son (from across the hall) beginning to cry. His cries quickly turned to shrieks as he was clearly not ready to be up. My older two made the descent down the stairs and immediately climbed into bed with my husband and me. Needless to say we were squished and not about to be getting any more quality sleep. My youngest son continued to howl from upstairs. Then the charade began. Each child was settling into "their" spot, tossing, turning, can picture it. Then the SHHHs began. As the morning light began to creep into the window I thought, I am screwed. It has been a very long week and I was hoping that my husband and I could alt least get a full night's sleep. Guess not.

As morning continued to dawn the restlessness continued. Finally, my son having had an idea, "climbed" (and I use that term VERY loosely) over me, kneed his sister in the head and hopped over the edge of the bed. "Bye" he said as he wandered out of our bedroom. Within a minute he was back. While he walked quietly back into the room, I smelled something. He "climbed" back into the bed and the smell got stronger. By now it was quiet upstairs
so my senses were not as distracted. (I think my youngest son had dropped off back to sleep due to the exhaustion from screaming so loudly.) Yes, there was clearly a smell now in the bedroom...something I wasn't used to smelling first thing in the morning.

Once my oldest son was settled back in his spot I opened my eyes to see him snuggled into the middle of the bed, completely covered with the quilt, plenty of pillow room and cozy as could be. It was then that I noticed the satisfied little smile he had on his face...a smile covered in CHOCOLATE! That little rat had gone into the kitchen, opened the tin of cookies we made yesterday and helped himself! Now with chocolate cookies all over his mouth he closed his eyes and breathed a sigh. Well, I thought, at least we are now not in a rush for breakfast! With that I rolled over, closed my eyes and waited for the howling to start up again from upstairs...

Be Glad!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Keeping It Simple Today

Sometimes so many things can happen in one day that you just feel overwhelmed and run over. It is on days like this that I try to focus on a handful of small things that have made me smile and have gotten me through.
*the smell of my son's hug when he has just woken up from a nap...
*the smile on my son and daughter's face when I pick them up from school...
*the smell of my mother's spaghetti sauce cooking on the stove in my new kitchen...
Three small things that will get me through until it is time to hit the hay...

Be Glad!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Night Out

I am still so amazed that after a long day of school drop-offs and pick-ups, making lunches and dealing with naps I can be completely rejuvenated by an hour out with a good girl friend. I wasn't out for long and I didn't go far, but boy was I a different person when I returned home. I had only one beer and an appetizer but the laughing and being "out" for some reason restores me. I feel like I can be myself for a little while rather than operating under the persona of mom or wife. The conversation can go in many different directions and the topics are not always necessarily superficial but the importance of connecting with a friend is something I realize I can not do without. I feel like I become a better mom and wife because I have had some time for myself.

Thank goodness for girlfriends who listen to you and laugh with you. Who call you out on your crap and make you feel like everything is going to be okay.

Be Glad!

Monday, January 4, 2010

The Beauty of Dance Class

Every morning at about 10am my daughter disappears up in her room. I hear the usual rummaging around in her toy chest and her usual mumbling to herself as she rummages. When she reappears she is flying down the stairs, turning the corner and twirling into the den. As she twirls she announces, "I am going to my dance class!"

When I peek in on her in the den she has chosen a princess dress complete with tulle skirt, satin top, rhinestone crown and plastic "high heel" shoes. When I comment on how beautiful her outfit is, she corrects me by reminding me that she is not herself but Belle, Ariel or Briar Rose (for those of you who do not know that is Sleeping Beauty). I pretend to be amazed by this transformation and immediately refer to her as her princess name. With that, she begins to hum to herself while twirling around the den. Spin after spin she smiles, hums and laughs. She is completely lost in her dance class and remains that way for the better part of an hour.

When she emerges from the den, she is out of breath and her cheeks are flushed. "Mommy, I danced and danced!" she tells me. "I had so much fun and my dancing was beautiful!". "Oh my dear," I say. "I am so glad you enjoyed yourself!" "Oh, I did Mommy, I had so much fun!" She then returns to her room, carefully flings her princess dress back into the chest and puts her clothes on for the day. When she comes back downstairs she is ready for lunch.

As I make her sandwich I often smile to myself and think about the idea of enrolling her in dance class. I imagine her dancing around a room laughing and enjoying herself. And then I stop and realize I am only imagining what I have just seen. She has created her own dance studio in our den and she loves it! She is her own choreographer, her own wardrobe designer and her own composer.
She begins "class" when she wants to and ends it when she is tired. She has created her own experience on her own terms.

Simply put, I can only say that to this creation, I am so impressed. She is not asking to go to dance class but is creating one for herself. She has launched herself into this activity and is completely satisfied by the experience. How I pray that this is a behavior and mindset that she carries through her life. How contented she will be.

Be Glad...and while you are at it go put on your favorite princess dress and twirl!


Well, Happy New Year folks! Here we are again. Another new year...another new decade. Clearly, it's time for some resolutions. Most people I know who actually make resolutions have already broken them by now.

In light of these indiscretions, I am going to make resolutions that only add to my life rather than take away from it. This year I will sleep more, eat more, drink more and laugh more. I will take more time to enjoy my family and forget about the condition of the kitchen floor. I will answer "fabulous" when anyone asks how I am doing and really mean it! My mother used to have an embroidered pillow that she hung in our house that said "dull women have immaculate homes". This will be my new motto!

Happy 2010 and Be Glad!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Oh The Places You'll Go!

About fifteen minutes ago by husband and oldest son pulled out of driveway to begin their three hour journey to Boston. Their final destination is Fenway Park as they scored two tickets to the Winter Classic. For my husband, being a former hockey player himself, this is very exciting. For my 5 year old son, as a new hockey player, he has no idea what he is in for. However, for the two of them together, this is a journey that 5 years ago we never would have guessed could possibly be a reality.

When my oldest son was born, we were told that there was a strong likelihood that he had Down Syndrome due to a heart defect that they had discovered. When that diagnosis was confirmed we were shocked. Neither my husband nor myself had ever known anyone with Down Syndrome so while we were trying to bond with our first child, we were also trying to educate ourselves as to what Down Syndrome would mean to our parenting, his medical needs, and our daily life. On one hand, things got very complicated very quickly. We began meeting with therapists and cardiologists while monitoring his weight gain and developmental milestones. One the other hand, things also got very simple. The world came down to what was best for our son, his routine and his happiness.

As we looked to his future we did not know where it would take him, or us. Not that long ago the doctors who delivered him would have recommended we put him in an institution. But now, he was thriving and learning and growing beautifully. He was perfect in our eyes, as every child is to their parents, but we still didn't know how things would play out. Would he be able to go to "regular school"? Would he have friends? Would he be able to play sports or maybe a musical instrument? We just didn't know.

Well, fast forward 5 years, and here we are. Our son is thriving in kindergarten with plenty of friends. He is independent in so many ways. And to our amazement he has begun his first "real sport". Hockey. The same sport my husband played and loved for years. He joined this incredible league for children with special needs and is now loving the sport as much as his father.

A few weeks ago, the head of our son's hockey league announced that the Bruins had given his team 20 tickets to go to the Winter Classic. To top that off, my husband and son would be getting two of the tickets. What an incredible experience for them to share!

So off they went in the car packed with cookies, fleece and plenty of mitten warmers. It amazes me to think back 5 years ago to how frightened we were compared to now and how much joy and excitement he brings to our lives. The places he has taken us and will continue to take us...what a trip!

Be Glad and Happy New Year!